
25 January 2022




Run until it hurts because the pain of training is better than the pain of non-commitment.


Let go the version that doesn't have the same level of consciousness that YOU have today.


Run from “more or less” and “enough”, because if it's not completely... then it's not.

Run from the fallacy that says we learn from mistakes, because we truly learn when we get it right, regardless of the attempts.


Run from limited minds, prejudices and preconceptions, self-sabotage and fears that stagnate your life and make you believe that what you have lived until today is the best that can happen to you.

Run and discover that you are UNBEATABLE, UNIQUE and UNSTOPPABLE!

When was the last time you really wanted something?

If you want it that much... Show it!

The world needs you and your uniqueness because no one does what you do like You.


Discover the top choices of runners here !

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