
04 November 2021



Palladium began as a company that produced super resistant tires of unquestionable quality, intended for aviation.

In fact, the history of this brand begins in 1920, in the city of Lyon, France.

At the end of World War II, the demand for tires for the fighter planes decreased considerably. In 1947, Pont De Cheruy opened the first Palladium store, and the production of military boots began.

This model was adopted by the French Foreign Legion, due to their sturdiness and waterproof characteristics, having suffered some minor changes to the original design.

And thus, the Pallabrousse model was born.

Made to last, they can be tested in every environment you can think of.

This is confirmed by Haroun Tazieff, volcanic cameraman, geologist and former French secretary of state for natural disasters, who signed an indefinite contract with nature and celebrated it repeatedly wearing his Palladium on every expedition he carried out.

Winding terrain, incandescent lava and unpredictable volcanoes, marked by agile steps and eager for adventure.

However adventure is not the only thing that wearing these boots provides, the top traction, perfect foot conditioning and military nuance allows you to challenge all the elements!

Don't let them get away and let us know what your next adventure is.

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